Pot calling the kettle a cooking utensil
I never intended this site to be one that would be filled with posts that lambast and roast famous people. I thought that would debase the material to the same level as a tabloid. Then I re-thought the issue and realised that I never intended for much journalistic integrity in the first place. I do promise, for now, that I will not fill the blog with posts about idiot celebrities. Take for instance how I've left that odd man Michael Jackson and his myriad issues alone.
Well, there's another odd, little man in Hollywood too and he deserves some negative attention. His name is: Tom Cruise.
So anyway, this smiling poster child of the Scientology movement has gotten into some negative press lately with a few recent interviews. I don't think I'll ever forget the comment: ". . . put your manners back in . . ." Classy stuff, that.
Well, in a recent interview he apparently called psychiatry a "pseudo-science." Apparently the medical study of the brain and its functions is not something real to this man. Yet that's not my biggest gripe. It's the comment itself, and his own beliefs, that made me laugh to myself. Cruise would have you believe that while psychiatry is fake, Scientology is a real solution to mental problems.
Uh huh. I see.
I'll let you come to your own conclusions on this one. To read an article about the interview, click on this link.
I have my own opinions