Musical cleaning tour
So, I thought I'd do a post that's way off my usual topic. I think the world is far too serious and negative at the moment so I want to do a post that's far more light and positive.
This here ol' topic will come in two sub-categories: music . . . and . . . cleaning house
Here's the deal: I listen to music when I go about cleaning the house. This cleaning activity is not often, I'll admit to that. It usually follows along the gentle prodding of my dear wife and is further inspired by the fact that people will be coming over to visit. While I'm far more laissez-faire about the whole tidiness business. I figure that if these folks are really our friends will they mind the inch or two of dog hair on our hard wood floors? Of course not. Seeing as my marriage is based on mutual trust, cooperation, love, devotion and democratically sponsored team-work I end up doing what my wife tells me to do.
Before I even begin the arduous task of cleaning and sweeping and the like I have to select appropriate music. There's something about a good tune that can make a boring job that much easier. While I've been knownt to have some ecclectic selections for my "cleaning beats" I've gotten rather fixed upon a particular album. This album, while I can and do enjoy it outside of domestic chores, manages to make me feel energetic and ready to face daunting tasks.
What album is this amazing mind influencer? Why it's Mozart's Requiem. I don't know, there's just something about a powerful choir musically screaming "REX . . . REX" that makes me want to beat the ever-lovin' tar out of dust bunnies, tooth paste scum or ancient grease. Granted there are some slower movements to ol' Amadeus' work; there are some down right aggresively powerful (nearly Orf-ian) movements as well. I do try and not think how the music was intended as a cover piece for both his father's and his own funeral. Such thoughts would make me not feel so good about sweeping a floor. Instead I listen to some folks singing in Latin with what, I believe, is a rather strong but efficient accent as if they were all Germans and were pretending to be happy but very serious at the same time.
So next time your knee deep in some household chemicals attempting to perform barely legalised warfare on soap scum think to yourself if beautifully, no, angelically, sung "Kyrie Eleison" might lift your spirits . . .