Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Would you be granted citizenship and allowed to vote?

Here's another test . . . this one comes from my dear wife. The marvel of forwarded mail allows us to receive all sorts of crap and, as such, I have no idea where she originally got this particular item.

Anyway, I digress as usual. You may have heard in the news or by word of mouth (sounds like an urban legend to me) that the test for U.S. citizenship is rather demanding and, as thus, many natural born American citizens would not pass. Seeing as I have been a high school teacher in my past while I lived in the States I say that this is not too far from the truth. So, care to find out if you could actually pass a ten question sample of this test?

I scored 8 out of 10 and was told that I passed, thankfully. So that's proof that paying some attention to high school Government classes as well as taking a few while in University AND reading the newspapers regularly can pay off!

My wife, who is not a natural born U.S. citizen (or a U.S. citizen of any category for that matter) scored 5 out of 10. I thought that was respectable for someone who's not a citizen.

So, here's the political test
Go ahead and take it and let me know how you fare!


Blogger Brian said...

I got 4/10. Looks like i'll have to rely on my Australian and Italian citizenships to get by... Does that mean i'm banned from eating American style ribs?

03 December, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got 5/10, but that's pretty good considering it was almost total guesswork (i.e. I've got no clue *which* 5 I got right).
Will I have to go in a special queue at Starbucks now ?

27 December, 2005  

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