Ol' Pat must be hittin' the sauce again
Well, he's in the news again for saying ridiculous crap all the while managing to include God and Christianity into the mix.
Who am I talking about? Our friend Pat Robertson, of course!
You remember Pat . . . he called for an assasination of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and, in '98 cursed Orlando with natural and terrorist doom because the city flew rainbow coloured flags in honour of sexual diversity.
Ol' Pat sure does love to sling the image of a hell-fire and brimstone God all over the place, usually to bash people who are too left-wing, non-conservative, or otherwise more open-minded than him.
So what has the old-folks home escapee done this time? He's cursed a small town in Pennsylvania to natural disastear doom. Why? Because the town democratically voted out all members of the school board. Why did the town vote them out? Because the school board was pushing to introduce intelligent design into the curriculum.
What does all this mean? Well, it seems that Pat thinks God hates democracy . . . especially when it means a loss to the Republican party and the Religious Right. So, does that make God a sore loser too?
It just seems a bit odd that a man who goes on his Christian show and talks about love, forgiveness, redemption and other nice things will (in nearly the same breath from the oxygen tank) go and cast death, destruction and doom on just about anyone.
. . . and people wonder why Christianity is getting a very bad name . . .
To find out more, just search for news articles covering:
-Pat Robertson
-Dover, Pennsylvania
-intelligent design
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