Monday, May 23, 2005

Thus goes the cycle of nature

In my last post I wrote about a newborn lamb, abandoned by its mother, that we took in to bottle raise. Well, the survival odds for such a little fellow are about 50:50 at best. Sad to say, but Louie the lamb died in his sleep late Sunday night. Despite the loss we've learned some lessons about bottle raising sheep. I did some research on the net and found a recipe for a milk formula to help raise abandoned lambs. It's mostly full fat milk but it also contains a beaten egg, some corn syrup and some cod liver oil. To me it sounds dreadful . . . I made a pseudo version (milk-egg-table sugar) of it last night in hopes it might help Louie to no avail. He was too weak to really do much of anything but sleep. So, if we end up with another little one in the house I'll let you all know.


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